Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Winter light

I and my wife janet left our own clinic, leave us comfortable lovely home, came to 8000 kilometers, the western Canada named aubrey's desert town, alex. Here is very remote, and the weather is cold. But can we feel that we live is the place where the boundless, here have plenty, friendship and warmth optimistic.

I remember a winter night, there was a farmer called the only person at home, and baby is a high fever. Although the car have central heating, he also dare not risk with babies on the road. He heard me no matter how late will also pay, so please I the door to give his baby cure.

His farm in 15 kilometers outside, I asked him to tell me how to get to the law.
"I'm here is easy to find. The town west go to 6 km, turn north go 1 and a half and half miles west go, turn, 3 km to......"

I give him make gets confused, although he put into his route again, I still don't know.
"I know what to do, doctor. I'll call peasant along the way, that they open bright lights, you look at light drive come to me, and I will open the headlights of trucks in the gate, and then you can find." He told me on the phone this way, I feel good.

Before starting off, I went out to observe the alberta over a vast expanse of the sky. In winter, we always have to be wary of the storm, and the mountain of the dark clouds, it may be up the spectators signs of snow. Every year, all someone to unexpected in the car, frozen without the experience of the fierce attacks, wild snow is don't know it's dangerous.

I drove the car window outside, the road was roared. Sure enough, as the farmer said, the peasant all along the light on. At ordinary times, a night wilderness always was in darkness, because the farm with lights at night is very economical. All the way light guide me, I finally found the doctor's family.

I hurried to the baby, the baby burn check illness very badly, but not life threatening. I gave the baby injections, match again some medicine, and then to the farmer, how to explain how to care the children take medication. When I took the medicine, I think, so complex in the rural road, how can I know the way back?

By this time, the outside has the heavy snow. The farmer said to me, if the home is not a night in his house. I declined. I have to get back to go to, perhaps late at night and there is a patient to initially. I dared to start the engine, the car slowly breathed pulled away from the family of the door, to tell you the truth, my heart full of fear. But, the car on the road for a moment, I'll open find that my fear and anxiety is redundant. Along the way the lights are still farm open, lit the shiny light seems in toward me regards, people use their light send me back. My car passing a, then every light goes out, and in front of the light is still on, waiting for me...... Along the way I hear. Just the engine has been issued, and wind the rumbling of moan and wheel grinding the voice of the snow. But I never feel lonely, that kind of feeling as in the dark as after a lighthouse.

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