Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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The growth of the woman is like a flower, bridal flowers from bursting to again to colourful last fall is down. So the women, too, from birth to the baby of childhood pure lovely to smart beautiful finally old and eventually. louis vuitton outlet 
Women's character is like a cloud, and when the sky blue and white clouds, with bright sunshine, to the earth and people hope and joy; When the sky is grey, black clouds, no sunshine, the earth may at first show again silence, scary and depressive; When pouring rain, see the sky and the clouds around, only the cold and helpless. So the women, when dress neatly, faces with red light, to smile, the bottom of joy and target, for yourself and everyone a sunlight woman nature; When depressed, WuJingDaCai, together with pressure and pain, only makes people far and near. When bedridden, facial gray, frail, input only poor and sighs of vision.
The woman is a pot of water injection, what all is what, will all give you; The woman is a cigarette in at the same time, enjoy also can bring the pain of the invisible. louis vuitton handbags
Women's temperament and lovely, sometimes fickle, and act in pettish, sometimes tender, sometimes angry, sometimes fire, sometimes cold, sometimes like frost speaking, sometimes silent, sometimes simple and clear, and sometimes dark horse. Why is this? 

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