Monday, June 13, 2011

Critical to shaping the character

-ChenJing shallow fly the novel QiaoXin garden "characters
The our city sound of the famous at home and abroad for Mr. Fly the ChenJing swansong writer's novel "QiaoXin garden", with exquisite brushwork, vivid literature language, kind of chaoshan slang, successfully portrayed a patriotic ChenGuLong anti-japanese hero ChenGuSheng returned overseas Chinese, thirdly, the fight for HuangWen captain, who led the members of the food and clothing problems to solve ex-serviceman, production captain ChenTianHui, disgust people's communes, keen to get recognized fixing the do-it-yourself spring chair, respectable old overseas Chinese xingyuan uncle, ShenMingDaYi "the woman" neither eye makeup, virtuous kind home wife leaves, SeYi long qing double the MingDan XiongXiaoE papa's chao-ju was having an affair, the beauty of the young woman, a modern version of the peach water sweet heart, the lotus of pan gold opportunely spit the bully the landlord hand hard alone, LaoGanJuHua puma a traitor to the spy valley, three Shan was stained the head of the Lao du a mouse, bad village head DuWenBao left route, the general representative of characters such as FengYou dries.
The Lord of the garden ChenGuLong returned overseas Chinese patriotic QiaoXin, is ChenJing fly mo chongcai described the heroes. In the past, due to the influence of the literary route left, many the hero of the novel characters often portrayed as "high, all the", some heroes was just a otherworldly god. ChenJing fly shaping heroes difference is, hero is first one of the people. ChenGuLong was born in nanyang Chinese businessmen of the house of ChenXingYuan, is a "second generation" rich. He returned home village live in the QiaoXin moon lake, do as the Romans do, with the bay harbor, and the farming life story. Because of his life, overseas than others in the QiaoXin moist, night outside and neighbors folks product time, sing the song tea. During the Anti-Japanese War, ChenGuLong attended the brother of the power of the house before the sacrifice a moon lake village, to develop the team with Japanese fought gravely, killed a Japanese for my brother, purposing, become a anti-japanese hero. In the war of liberation s, ChenGuLong to the leadership of the communist party day for team, responsible for nanshan resistance to raise QianLiang work, his wit brave, complete the task well, very popular resistance, the kuomintang are valued for team suspension of the "red county magistrate busting commie". After the founding of the different historical period, ChenGuLong resolutely resist left route. In the moon lake village back the turmoil in the club, ChenGuLong claims that distinguish between the two different conflicts, to make back many do community appealed to flows, against the practice of FengYou to crack. In the later period of cultural revolution, he ran the risk of eluded close chairman MAO, the pain ChenWenGe make the national "what a mess," to get "the brakes". Criticism movement is "emulating da-zhai on agriculture movement" damage. How to unite BSFLP overseas Chinese. He urges chairman MAO wanted to "beware of the suger coated",, "should be to walk around and see all over the world. Because ChenGuLong resist and oppose ultra-left thinking line, three imprisoned for parade, interrogates. Life experience fluctuated considerably, from county trading company manager to the county federation of returned overseas Chinese President to assistant deputy county head, then drop for the overseas, and down to a common teachers. After the reform and opening and when the overseas, county federation of returned overseas Chinese chairman.

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