Monday, June 13, 2011

Childlike innocence but without losing the wisdom

The winter vacation a month, most of the time travel outside, carry only a book, it is the "by Lin yu-tang biography of su dongpo. This is very classical a writer biography, it describes a Chinese ancient scholars advocate the spirit in big experience and story. The author, knowledgeable, Chinese literary talent is outstanding. He read through the retained in the world all su dongpo pen and ink, include all sorts of reading notes, seven hundred first poetry, eight hundred letters, and later generations about private letters su's record and reviewed. With his large national studies accomplishment and deep to su dongpo virtues and understanding, through one thousand, traveling to the time and space to the spirit of the world, and su dongpo the "earth can have two difficult not without the" great characters of mind dialogue. And so the book open, fall the posture, it is faithful to the birth of the historical materials of the seriousness YuChuanJi, and often can DianRan clever pen, with its becomes an interest, let the reader along the footprint of the history of the changeable for su dongpo poor life, feeling his history of a respect personality charm. The English book for the formerly known as Genius ", if Gay sought literal translation come over, which means "joy of Genius. This is also I have read this book YanJuan but think after get the most impressed.
He is a mystical wonder, has excellent mental talents, talent rich natural talent, the water as the way, which is very broad, figures and, since the solemn pure old prose, easy to MiaoMan skit, each become its wonderful omnipotent. All have read some of the people who have looked, not be, before and after the "ode of chibi CiZhang colorful life and mind tracks? Don't be answered "wine", "great river east to go to" the heroic fascinated by imposing manner? Don't be "XiaoXuan window dressing,", "this is only the fallen petal know" deep feeling, moved by the pathos? From his poem encouraged, and we feel the vibration of the string of human emotions, the emotions of a human good evening. At the same time, su dongpo in many other fields also have a proud builds. His calligraphy a change since the tang dynasty "and the ink was" rules, and put forward the "meaning" claim, they become a generation of calligraphy everyone; He is in China painting rushes out "the literati paintings" such unique new branches; He find their own herbs, also was the medical authority; He was digging officer river courses and lakes, benefit the party with the embankment people...... The genius is not "earth can have no difficult not 2"?
Read the biography of su dongpo, not only for his day ZongWenCai marvel, more admire is he happy and free attitude of life. For better or worse, he can contented; Sorrow and misery came down, he always accept. His life is a rugged and magnificent life's journey. He has been in political vortex center, but GuangFengJiYue, high and beyond YuGouGou they political plot above all; All his life he and dark counterparts, but to pure ao however of feelings, optimistic, cheerful, and become a bunch of times of light. "WuTaiShi prison", make him almost his life. During his huanzhou, miserable life in the lonely, the feeling of nature in, he gradually searches and detachment life's suffering, and write illumination century immortality chapter. He HuaJiaZhiNian, was exiled to at that time, unexplored world-hainan island, and li hunter all fishermen, over the most difficult, no rice cooking, he still laugh, and sunshine company. A Anxiety in the career of his performance is calm, wise and farsighted, mature strong personality; He is still looking for trouble life fun, reveal a brilliant personality charm. His work, become Chinese literati in general code (yu qiuyu language), he has become many Chinese mind the most like ancient scholars. We can say so, compared with li bai, he less perverse madness, much of the flexible and trial of a firm; TaoQian, less than his escape, the many positive negative wto, JiShui shed the courage; Du fu, less than his grief, and more optimistic returned and broad-minded. He said: "we can accompany the jade emperor, with low can field hospital a beggar. Eyes see a world without a bad people." Buddhism to fix for the deep su dongpo is penetrated the heaven and earth, all of the mystery of his life and he demonstrates to the world in the harmony between man and nature of ideal. Facing all of the world's suffering, fear, righteously, like the moon as the wind spent her life to the Chinese people left inexhaustible precious spiritual wealth.

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