Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In autumn wind divulges endless sorrow

Perhaps is the world is too small, and perhaps because rim. Can let me and you meet again. Just, you of the noodles have no facial expression let me again choose silence. Maybe we are all too too persistent, so, each other proud, MuBuXieShi passed by.

Noodles have no facial expression, so chilly pass by. This is I see, the summer of the most happy with pictures. xtcxhj exblog blog

Between us, across a insurmountable gap between them. Across the time, I was in tears, with his hands folded, prayed, may you all well. Make you I joys yan.
Long ancient diameter

Quiet LanDie

CanZhao in

That with a languid is lazy sunset

The scene with the wind swathes of the cherry blossoms

In the cold in the passing of time his narrative
Lonely and

Shore flower


The shed and with a FangHua of

The act of, very down

In the middle of the night magically change into boundless fireworks

West lake

Willow lamented

The curved bright moon

Don't mention the scene of the past

In autumn wind divulges endless sorrow
Fall into the earth of the vicissitudes of life abnirs blogspot blog

Flashy the dirty behind

Ultimately unable to see

Eyes dance

Small cold

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