Sunday, June 26, 2011

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"Is my instructions? What the chairman strict" There is CuiQiu see YanQiChang call phone immediately carefully answer.

"You are now?" YanQiChang asked.

"I am in the capital city of the dragon group base." CuiQiu said.

YanQiChang looked at the time "you for a while come over me here I let the dining hall meal I will prepare you for a chat with you."

CuiQiu received YanQiChang telephone immediately after the drive into the south China after he came to the YanQiChang after examination of the office.

YanQiChang see CuiQiu come then let the secretary to get food on the right of the small table as he said: "come we can talk while we eat."

The secretary and a staff to come up after the meal they cover the door and went out. Leadership is not convenient to speak them in and listen.

"Small cui to you also hungry to eat a little bit." YanQiChang pointed to the table of food said.

"Strict chairman eat first I'm not hungry." CuiQiu which dare to eat? When he heard the YanQiChang called him to the office know to have things....... So he was careful to hear bottom is how to return a responsibility? He is also the ranks according to major general he also wants to try to get the two years will but he also did not stand still have no idea what's so get.

"To eat together." YanQiChang began to eat it he also know that I don't eat first CuiQiu is dare not eat first. After a while YanQiChang asked CuiQiu "small cui you in the dragon group how many years?"

CuiQiu said: "almost twenty years since the dragon group founded I will join the dragon group has been so far."

YanQiChang sigh "time flies when you into the dragon group it's just a player now that you have is a group of long. According to your age or originally can continue to rise to a position but sometimes I want to help you and you try to do!"

Hear YanQiChang said CuiQiu immediately pleased to say: "all I hear you strict chairman of I must try." CuiQiu want to get in our lifetime will of course CuiQiu not did not have to ShouXian admiral but just think he knew that may not actual still wait for him to get to the other ranks will again.

"Small cui you say this wrong this shows you know is not in position to get on my honor is not by you." and the key YanQiChang primly said.
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"By me?" CuiQiu momentarily.

"You see tiger hall of the hall XuBai? He is not the major general is he ascended up very fast. Why rises very fast? It's that they made more than credit tiger hall!!!!!" YanQiChang a little hate iron don't seem to CuiQiu his kind of communication is a little bit thinking about his coattails but his key is on his own with dragon group can up many excluded.louis vuitton handbags

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LongDing vice chairman of military commission LouZeDong said: "a surname vice President Chen is your soldiers you about what kind of man is he?" Although LongDing believe the but now there is a Chen against voice he also can't a person will pretend. Stability in the country and the President also he who cannot hold a day.
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LouZeDong seriously say: "according to my personal understanding of comrade Chen is a good comrade ago for countries to follow so DuoCi task many times is stopping in this dragon is chairman should have experience greatly he to complete the task not regarding his life we cannot doubt his personality."

"I was in the wood with Chen, countries for a time contact if not to him I may return not. I feel he is loyal to the people of the country." LongDing very glad to LouZeDong said the word is in charge of tiger point LouZeDong hall of his comments to Chen is very important.

"And although he is rich but Chen national donate a lot of money in this he did not into the tiger hall of the time we will know that he is a business at that time we also allow him to have your own business. Seriously at that time, if not make big strong to pull him into the tiger was still don't want to go in the hall, Chen. I also began to him so young as tiger hall as a coach skeptical afraid of him is not competent for but he did very well every time well to finish the task." LouZeDong said.

YanQiChang disagree to said: "there are some things can not see the surface I feel he is a bit overbearing think oneself have the skill can fly into the sky and he now has the ace of at least one thousand people these Numbers is how terrible!" YanQi fantasy to everywhere and dragon group, Chen against the limelight and tiger hall now than dragon group strong a lot.

LouZeDong smiled "at this point I can explain the peace in the inside of the security company player because we had many understaffed, Chen wants to borrow the people to make big thick, Chen for instructions. So peace of security company's hall of tiger ace the periphery of the organizations they helped us a lot. For example, the last thing if not peace huashan security company superior we tiger hall could not finish the task. Xu was also reported to me after I was also agreed to record some of the security company peace the personnel as tiger. So the periphery of the hall staff old strict you need not worry, Chen is not like that."

"I'm not doubt, Chen I just said that we also guard against it if a person's strength is too strong will

Let us feel uncomfortable if which day he changed this but our country a big trouble. "YanQiChang worry said.

"Old strict said sounds good" HanBin said. "Power is too strong to attention. But we want to believe that our comrades do not let him do so bad." disgust

LongDing approval at the HanBin one eye now here appeared two party different opinions he this you also the Lord have a little difficult everyone say are reasonable. Chen is reliable but also don't expel Chen may not reliable after a person is one who will become.

"So old it hard with a low, Chen communication strengthen his political ideological awareness. And I talk about my personal opinion, Chen is good to the comrades wagging the dog when we usually pay attention to pay attention to the method can't let off we think the country, Chen don't trust him." LongDing form opinions. This man is good, Chen but is too * women especially. LongDing remembered the secretary xiao li talked with his Chen give him a call to want to help things.

You see the dragon said its capital they no longer what to say. As KongHaoQi said each
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Their options traders to somebody else want a special foreign business countries do is no reason to stop. Don't say, Chen Z is some people still run technically to foreign go to business!

Another peace the ace of security company predecessor is the door like now that the correct guidance for national office is very good things. Countries can help you do not save peace! But it's a big loss of the country. Chen often help countries like work is no charge for this is obviously the disadvantages, Chen he never can murmur.

After the meeting YanQiChang back to his office a little annoyed him now is more and more severe but tiger hall dragon group was no improvement go down so again dragon group may only for tiger being second banana hall. Thought of here he picked up the phone to dragon group leader CuiQiu call "is CuiQiu leader?"

Friday, June 24, 2011

drunk can in my rest here anyway

But LouZeDong and officialdom in which to look not to come out with this is, Chen intentionally. "You this is morning....... You don't want to look down on me with me

Drink isn't it? I tell you you're drunk can in my rest here anyway I have here lounge if you don't drink with me today don't you come up with this door. "A little angry LouZeDong said.
Chen listened to also glad to be in brilliant hotel pack inside he can and MiaoYin do some others cannot things I have haven't touched a MiaoYin 13....... "Well, we'll be there right away. Then you give your father mother on the phone I'll send car past connect them." Chen said happily.

In MiaoYin in the dormitory of the Korea of glare of the miao mom said, "even if I see the aunt you don't make MiaoYin me see the love dearly. As long as she felt happiness will do I wouldn't worry her."

Hear a said wen miao's mom feeling more Korea of the text is a rare good man he so like MiaoYin with no bad habits and earned and good if MiaoYin marry him is the blessing of predecessors. "You don't lose heart of wen I'll think of some way to get MiaoYin marry you. The child is not reasonable usually do not know who read at which point, Chen as well as you? Especially he has so many women the devil is the matter?" Miao mom thought of so many women, Chen is don't want to let the MiaoYin with Chen. His daughter, Chen with the also don't know is sitting to the finishers.......

"It's not good as if let you and MiaoYin Buenos Aires." Korea's item or feel embarrassed, just talk to mom was said understand if MiaoYin Chen with her and deny MiaoYin the daughter.

"What's the bad if let little the only bad with Chen!!!!! Miao mom thinking about just MiaoYin don't listen to his words ran out and angry "the Chen also don't know to what the little little also not to hear my words. But, you don't worry about a little's most filial piety her will listen to us."

Korea WenDian a nod "thank aunt I also is very like MiaoYin otherwise I also unknown know at the MiaoYin will win her over deviled her anaerobic also."

"Nothing this thing you can count on me! I must let small feed to listen to me." Miao mom caught that's no guarantee.

When MiaoYin call parents go to brilliant hotel have a meal of the time miao miao mom would not go to dad and said they will not go down so MiaoYin confess MiaoYin the daughter. And to say we do they call Korea they bought a article as back to the province of c ticket.

MiaoYin listen to parents said to back to the province also a bit dim in the c. But she also know it is sure to resist with their parents

Otherwise, they will still call themselves married Korea of text. Then she also whether his parents back to c province anyway, they go back or in the city and will often called a come bother yourself, South Korea.

Chen stressed MiaoYin is also looking at heart sad but no matter how sad or to insist that he can't get MiaoYin to marry to Korea, a. So he immediately gave LongDing secretary xiao li a call.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

They just met twice before louis vuitton

Fangcui Yu Feng Yun took the little hand with a smile said, "This is a silly girl I give you my sister you do not back me."

"This is how this bank?" Feng Yun said in surprise. They just met twice before with Fangcui Yu Although we hit it off, but after all it is a lot of sore.

"This is not how ah? This is just a little money I do not see in the eyes. Xiaoyun you are a very brave girl you do it with me since I would be very hurt you." Fangcui Yu touched the little hand says Feng Yun .
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Feng Yun Fang Cuiyu mean she did not feel what a woman will know she just thought Fangcui Yu Fang Cuiyu like love itself. Fang Cuiyu taller than his beautiful martial arts off than their own money and because it would be for her trail mix in the girls this is worship.

"I am the person stupid sister Jade I'm afraid I can not help you any help and although I also trail mix for a few years in general to deal with small fry only one or two will be martial arts such as Malaysia who I was playing, but the. "Feng Yun said embarrassed. She did not see the benefit of the people on her ability to make Fangcui Yu know how not to turn when you say that they can not.

Jade smiled and said dry side "Xiaoyun you see I love you more honest people like you I first saw you I think you are pro-people. So I do not care how I will train you. Not that Well I'll teach you martial arts it wants. "

"Will you teach me martial arts?" Feng Yun said happily. It is usually people like martial arts or martial art martial arts division will not pass the door outsiders.

"Well of course I said you were my sister I do my best to give you Xiaoyun you follow me I will not let m p g you will not lose out to the foul men bully you. If they dare not let them bully you and I had a good day. "Fangcui Yu of Feng Yun said.

"Thank you Jade I will follow you sister doing well," Feng Yun did not read any books on the mafia would also like to mix her own way to be a mix.

Fangcui Yu said, "You told me to go back to my place after you live there, right in my house because I have big."

"But I lived with a friend," said Feng Yun difficult places.

"Well you go to give her a call when you say you live there for some time with friends." Fangcui Yu said. "So I can easily teach you martial arts club I want to also have their own people like you, I worry."louis vuitton handbags

Feng Yun thought again and said, "Well, I'll go back tonight with my friends talk about."

Malaysian Baizhe Shou said. louis vuitton

Feng Yun shook his head and said, "I do not know how it is."

"Not ah those people did not give me the money that they lied to me the next day to give me money but they did not contact me so I had to come Xiaoyun money." Malaysian Baizhe Shou said.

"They do not give you the money?" Feng Yunsheng gas to said.xtcxhj exblog blog

"Yes ah Xiaoyun people do not know what those people to the meal and then hit me that give me the money but did not find me." Malaysian angrily said.

Fangcui Yu said, "Well, do not say how much money Xiaoyun owe you?"

"Tenth Five million" Malaysia blurted.

Feng Yun embarrassed on Fangcui Yu said, "my sister Jade things I will solve."

"How do you solve?" Fangcui Yu asked.

"I will think of a way of" Feng Yun said.

Fangcui Yu of Feng Yun smiled said, "We hit it off so it Xiaoyun I particularly like your sister I can help you pay back the money in this bar!"

"Good good," nodded desperately Malaysia Feng Yun people to help pay back the money it does have something bad and it was one hundred and fifty thousand!

"Do not Miss Jade" Feng Yun-ah surprise this is one hundred and fifty thousand! "

"Nothing you see you call my sister I can not help you?" Then Fangcui Yu in his handbag and pulled out a check written on the inside after opening. After a while come up with a check on the Malaysia Fangcui Yu said, "This is one hundred and fifty thousand Xiaoyun not after you take the money owed to you is you if I pestered her again I will kill you."

Malaysia said, "No, no we also have professional ethics will be after we take the money and disappear." Malaysia took the check for a moment with pleasure after the two men walked to the stairs below.abnirs blogspot blog

On Fangcui Yu Feng Yun said gratefully, "Tsui sister one hundred and fifty thousand I owe you I will waste no time has you."


Guangzhou a company in a newspaper published a want the marketing personnel recruitment ads, apply for conditions, the content such as salary all available, to participate in the written, for an interview, but also very clear--watching from the tail, is walshman have not found the contact method for.

It is a paradox, recruitment ads which have not contact method? Most people think this is recruitment unit negligence or newspaper, so, typographical errors and patience wait for newspapers or added that the correction. But there are also three candidates see recruitment post suit oneself, then don't go to pipe the negligence of: wang who is via the Internet, on the computer input company name, easily find out the method of communication, including all the company information; Xiao zhang is immediately by 114 ZhaHaoTai, and finds out the company's office phone, by the office of the company personnel to consulting, made contact method; Xiao liu find contact way way is quite a fee, houses, and he seemed to remember that the company in a business district with a billboard, and turn around the city a cycling afternoon, finally found the billboards, and ShunTengMoGua made the company address and zip code.

The third day of the recruitment notice published, most candidates from new and ba ba di4 ducked the newspaper to find the correct and added, but wang, joba chamberlain and xiao liu three letter of application and relevant recruitment material has been sent to the company personnel supervisor's hand.

Since then, the personnel supervisor and wang, joba chamberlain and xiao liu meet interview. During the interview, the general to all three young man of materials and I am pleased with the decision to deal with formalities of employment and promptly. Three people to apply for and so easy was something: recruitment ads said to the test is not in? With this question, they ask to old total.

Old total clap their shoulder and said: our test question actually was hidden in recruitment ads, as a modern sale member, open-minded, don't follow is first the quality required, you three wit, the short time flexible path, can quickly find company contact, this means you have very good finished the paper.

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We want to ban a thing, are used to the criticism and punishment, to achieve the purpose of the stop. If it in another way, such as spiritual encouragement, material rewards? There is a story, can say is seeking a second opinion, entirely new.

Put a few big miscellaneous iron empty barrels, XiaoPeng friends after school found that several oil stimulate game push oil cylinder cylinder, rolling thunder deafening, but who can prevent, that they can't. louis vuitton damier purses 

Then suddenly an old man come forward, said that they have a plan to the game, let them darling leave the yard. He is the reward and praise: first praise they had a MaiJin, then each person also rewards 5 yuan. He sat in the doorway smiling see them play.

These children get more incentives, to play harder.
But the next day, the old man said they have no head, can give only a day trying to 4 yuan. Actually the second day of momentum did not decrease, their sharp strength is shocked.

The third day, they more MaiJin, want to run, but the old man 5 yuan only give 3 yuan as the next day, said. BanBen hopeless, children mood plummet. The fourth day, they got 2 yuan. The fifth day, they deliberately not MaiJin, mouth grumbled, "you want beauty, why do we get so fast, get so big noise, and let you enjoy?"

On this day they got a dollar money.
The children were finally, resisting: "quit, the month give less. Do you think we can free play for you see? We don't come, let you no fun!"louis vuitton damier wallets 

From then on, big hospital never see children, the sight of resumed the peace. 

Neighbors in the courtyard the aisle for a big stones, to stop vehicles from their door, after suffering for passerby. A friend to collectors, to this neighbor the identity, he came up with 200 yuan collect the stone. I heard someone want to buy, stone master immediately bargaining, to $400 to transfer. "Collectors" said 400 yuan. Stone master saw it is so easy to bargain, and to get a integer: 500 yuan. "Collectors" said 500 yuan. Stone master a surprised, hurriedly left the house, and around the big stone circles, stretch out a finger: 1000!No 1000 not to sell. "Collectors" pour also simply. Just 1000. Stone master to sit, hurriedly please people will be the big stone moved in home, her collection.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Winter light

I and my wife janet left our own clinic, leave us comfortable lovely home, came to 8000 kilometers, the western Canada named aubrey's desert town, alex. Here is very remote, and the weather is cold. But can we feel that we live is the place where the boundless, here have plenty, friendship and warmth optimistic.

I remember a winter night, there was a farmer called the only person at home, and baby is a high fever. Although the car have central heating, he also dare not risk with babies on the road. He heard me no matter how late will also pay, so please I the door to give his baby cure.

His farm in 15 kilometers outside, I asked him to tell me how to get to the law.
"I'm here is easy to find. The town west go to 6 km, turn north go 1 and a half and half miles west go, turn, 3 km to......"

I give him make gets confused, although he put into his route again, I still don't know.
"I know what to do, doctor. I'll call peasant along the way, that they open bright lights, you look at light drive come to me, and I will open the headlights of trucks in the gate, and then you can find." He told me on the phone this way, I feel good.

Before starting off, I went out to observe the alberta over a vast expanse of the sky. In winter, we always have to be wary of the storm, and the mountain of the dark clouds, it may be up the spectators signs of snow. Every year, all someone to unexpected in the car, frozen without the experience of the fierce attacks, wild snow is don't know it's dangerous.

I drove the car window outside, the road was roared. Sure enough, as the farmer said, the peasant all along the light on. At ordinary times, a night wilderness always was in darkness, because the farm with lights at night is very economical. All the way light guide me, I finally found the doctor's family.

I hurried to the baby, the baby burn check illness very badly, but not life threatening. I gave the baby injections, match again some medicine, and then to the farmer, how to explain how to care the children take medication. When I took the medicine, I think, so complex in the rural road, how can I know the way back?

By this time, the outside has the heavy snow. The farmer said to me, if the home is not a night in his house. I declined. I have to get back to go to, perhaps late at night and there is a patient to initially. I dared to start the engine, the car slowly breathed pulled away from the family of the door, to tell you the truth, my heart full of fear. But, the car on the road for a moment, I'll open find that my fear and anxiety is redundant. Along the way the lights are still farm open, lit the shiny light seems in toward me regards, people use their light send me back. My car passing a, then every light goes out, and in front of the light is still on, waiting for me...... Along the way I hear. Just the engine has been issued, and wind the rumbling of moan and wheel grinding the voice of the snow. But I never feel lonely, that kind of feeling as in the dark as after a lighthouse.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Occasional success

Ham has been a Spanish making cakes merchant. In a frenzy of immigration, he was in the Denver nuggets attitude came to the United States.

But the United States is not he imagined throughout the land is gold, his pastry in Spain sold and sold in the United States, no DuoDa difference. xtcxhj exblog blog

In summer 1904, know that the United States will hold's ham world expo, he put his cake tools moved to exhibition site Louisiana. Fortunately, he was the government allowed in the venue of the Patty. He sold out

His business was terrible, and wafers and he adjacent a selling ice cream vendor business but very good, while sold many ice cream. Soon, he was used to hold ice cream to put a little dish out.

Broad-minded ham sees willy, oneself of pancake coil into tapered, let he cheng fang ice cream.

Selling ice cream vendors see this method, and then to the ham wei of pizza, a large amounts of ice cream cone and into the hands of customers.

But to ham has unexpected is, the cone of ice cream is valued customers, and was named "the world exposition of the real star".

From then on, the ice cream cone began to be popular, this is now the ice cream cone. The invention of it are known as "the pen". Someone such assumption: if we had two shops not together, so today we can eat ice cream cone and it's hard to say.abnirs blogspot blog 

Don't ignore you life by accident, maybe it is the beginning of your success.

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A little boy almost think that it is in the world the most unfortunate children, with polio and left a lame and uneven and prominent teeth. He seldom and students games or play, the teacher calls him answer the question, he is always low head said nothing. louis vuitton outlet 

In a normal spring, the father of the boy from neighborhood to please the some plants, he wanted to plant them in front of the house. He called his children planted a tree per person. Father said to the children, who planted trees grow best, give who buy a favorite gifts. The little boy also want father's gift. But see brothers and sisters leap to carry water pouring tree form, somehow, initiation of a kind of cold idea: to plant the tree to die. So the one or two after water, never to respond to it.

A few days later, the little boy again to see him kind of tree, was surprised to find that it not only not wither, but also long out a few new leaves.camparing with his brothers kind of tree, appear more than pale green, have more angry. Father fulfilled his promise, the little boy bought a his favorite gifts, and said to him, from his planted tree to see, after he grows up he will become an excellent botanist.

From then on, the boy slowly became optimistic.

One night, the little boy lay awake, looking out of the window that bright white light, suddenly remind of biology teacher once said: the plant general all in the night, why don't you go to see the growth of the star of the tree. Then when he came to the yard, but see a father with a fork to their plant under that tree pour what. Suddenly, everything he understand everything, the original father has been secretly in the seed of the star of the fertilizer!!!!! He returned to the room, let my tears running wantonly......

As the decades passed, the lame boy although do not have become a botanist, but he has been the President of the United States, his name is franklin Roosevelt. louis vuitton handbags 

Love is life the best food, even if it's just a spoonful of clear water, also can make the tree of life thrive. Maybe the tree is that ordinary, ordinary; Maybe the tree is so thin, and even some wither, but as long as there is this water, and the food of the it could grow even thrived, into a great tree.

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All of the victory, and conquer oneself of victory than up, are all insignificant; All of the failure, and the loss of their failure than up, more insignificant.

Think of a riddle-how can a caterpillar evolves through no bridge river?

Hundreds of years ago in England, and name, fragmented competing in the league. At that time, powerful England in order to expand the kingdom territory, launched the annexation of Scotland's war. At the beginning of the war the king of Scotland Robert had bloom and the army, but repeatedly against rate stood often hurt; The last time a drubbing in the king, and the king bloom and the rate of only two after beckoning, on the escape to a big river. xtcxhj exblog blog 

However, the horse disorderly, the waste of silence on even a ferry boat also have no, only with a blast of the rapid river vulgar. The night the vast, cold, and cold callsign, the king and two followed up the body in the wilderness MaoCaoCong, worried. Dawn, if can't cross the river, consequence is unimaginable.

In every minute of patience and pain wait, a after being cut freezing, another after also shot himself. At midnight, a heavy snow, the king PiaoRanErZhi goose hair blue and a group hug or poor, the horse from the horses, the temperature of heating. He set his teeth light, the in the mind would remind yourself: I don't want to die. I can't die; I must be pretty until the last moment.

Dawn, the wind stopped snowing morning, away WeiLou, the king bloom and struggled to get up, looking around, can't help surprise-see the river if crazy, up and down, forever lost; This article on the far side of the river to cut off his, frozen into thick ice, overnight, barrier change application.

Since then, bloom and the king WoXinChangDan, stage a comeback, then at last will invaders out of Scotland, to win independence.

Success or failure of the distance between the gain and loss, more of the time is near at hand, one step away; And many defeated hang down into, is often lost to his own despair and give up. Thinkers bacon said: "many impossible things, only needs time and persistence."

How can a caterpillar evolves through no bridge dyed rivers?

The answer is: never give up their in grasping, after a painful metamorphosis, only to turn into a wings, dance to the butterfly. abnirs blogspot blog

The reality is this shore, the middle is a time of river, and strong will of charter is the bridge. Exists

I also see: no matter how poor environment, also do not bow to it, you must keep going. Although barren sand drying, green cactus or ting body straight, let flower open profusion.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

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"Jiang East do not want to hear the reasons you did not my brother standing next to you now!" Schadenfreude Ying Chung smiled. She understood this man was Chiang Tung son of a rich man before the semester transfer over from somewhere else relied on their own bodyguards to follow the money and some schools claiming to be the boss so some students bully hit him prone to concede defeat. So she believes that as long as their own so that the East will find CHEN Tian-ming Chiang trouble. This time there are good movies in the heart of a good mood and looked Ying Chung Unfortunately there are no benches or else they can sit down and watch.

Listen CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East really angry and shouted so that "you have nothing to say." Jiang East stature saw a change in front of him blocking flew CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming path.

"He will dodge dodge?" Looked strangely CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East before a student is only three days of this matter reveals a strange dodge.

"Yes ah-day Ming Gege he will dodge you is not afraid of it is, then it to him for mercy so I can play with him after my dad asked if I say that you agree with me playing with the Chiang Tung." Bell Ying said proudly. Jiang East martial arts can be seen she was asked Zhong Ying Zhong Xiangliang has revealed he would not be out of martial arts so she can not see who fights with powerful Chiang Tung. So she just let CHEN Tian-ming and Chiang Tung shot. This article belongs to original author users upload clothlouis vuitton outlet

So highly of themselves to listen to Chiang Chung Ying Tung nodded happily, "If you are afraid of the Ming Gege days if you say your afraid to go first and I own a clock Ying will play after school."

"You called Chiang Tung is not it? I am a good teacher of the people I can not fight a bell Ying where to go This is something I have to discipline her much but I will tell her father." CHEN Tian-ming says. The little witch is really afraid of the world into chaos.

Chiang Tung said, "You're not afraid to play? Then you promised me and Zhong Ying dating."

"You want to get married?" CHEN Tian-ming called alarmed about what ah? The Chiang Tung said to myself, how do so brief that he should keep up with the shot clock Zhongxiang Liang Ying brothers said that, ah! But if the brothers heard the case estimated that Chiang Tung Tung Chiang Yu will cut the number of rings.

"For ah," Chiang Tung said.

"You played my first day of Jiang Dong Ming Gege to say it like a man I hate the boy." Zhong Ying, a look of disdain she estimates he will be able to say the anger stirred Chiang Tung Ming Gege to start the day.

"Chung Ying Do not look down on me I'll call you now see is you look bad or my bad days, Ming Gege." Jiang East CHEN Tian-ming finished shot. CHEN Tian-ming introduced him to beat his chest just to spend a little afraid of hurting the internal forces CHEN Tian-ming. But while such a Zhang Feng Jiang is also the big east.

CHEN Tian-ming did not want to play against but with the Chiang Tung Tung Chiang repeated three people to make themselves and also shot. He also wanted to try the skill Chiang Tung look at a third-year students how to how there is such a skill.

CHEN Tian-ming did not fight back he just kept the wrong step away from Chiang Tung attacks. Jiang East see themselves not hit CHEN Tian-ming also played hard to close the mouths him to spend the full breeze all around suddenly CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming slightly if not pay attention to the East will be hit Chiang.

Fortunately, this is the campus of the aisle who generally do not have someone else see through this attack with Chiang Tung will be surprised from the breeze. CHEN Tian-ming or not fight back he found his own dodge every time from Chiang East side of the fist to his body, he would point to avoid ahead of Jiang Dong attacks.louis vuitton handbags

"Unfortunately, wow ah good to see the attack always hit Chiang Tung Ming Gege the day Ming Gege do not transit or not fight back." Zhong Ying, clapped his hands happily cried. Himself could not fight but to see people fighting is good. Chiang Tung Ming Gege look at the sky to avoid the attack of the martial arts stature days there have been major Ming Gege into.

Alas, his father said the sky is the martial arts Ming Gege nothing seems to leave the Wizards do not know when to get to-day Ming Gege this realm. Chung Ying in the heart with a sigh

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"This is just a glass of what you say now is I will give you two glasses of beer bottles to take over." Feng Yun has picked up a glass of wine next to finish and then walked to the bar. As CHEN Tian-ming not think she can not bar Bring the.

"Give me two bottles of beer." Feng Yun went to the bar on the inside of the bartender said.

"Hee hee Of course I am now, but a long length of the body of knowledge when I get good grades anyway, I do not want to learn the hard way like the little red sister, almost as a national treasure." Zhong Ying shook his head said.

"Well I say but you let your father teach you it." CHEN Tian-ming has no choice but to shake his head to leave this little witch together with this little witch is a big danger there.xtcxhj exblog blog

"Chung Ying you doing here?" A tall and handsome boy walked in front of Chung Ying said.

Pale the boy a bell, said "I'm here Chiang Tung none of your business? And you do after the shaking old in front of me, OK? I hate you." Zhong Ying finished foot kicked the boy ran CHEN Tian-ming side.

"You dare you kick me?" Chiang Tung feeling where they have been kicked angrily.

"Do you believe I beat you?" Zhong Ying said, shaking his little fist. This clock Ying CHEN Tian-ming is the belief that what this little witch is not dry out ah? "Heaven Ming Gege beginning of the Chiang Tung is his old haunt me three I especially hate him you help me off him." Zhong Ying CHEN Tian-ming behind said quietly.

"I am rid of him?" CHEN Tian-ming Meng was a student if he put away his reputation, then it must masterpiece of. This little witch is always trouble for himself.

Zhong Ying, nodded and said "on the ah you have to help me take him away or I were with you set."

Chiang Tung Chung Ying CHEN Tian-ming looked behind whispered words could not help asking, "Chung Ying you talking about? You give me explain why you hit me?"

"Why you always bugging me to Chiang Tung I warn you if you follow me and I will harm. And my brother is here unless you win after my brother or you can not follow me I do not want Offer people who follow me. "Zhong Ying crooked smile.

"Win your brother?" Jiangdong Qi CHEN Tian-ming strange looking at before.

"For ah If you can win my brother that I let you follow me. Or else even if you are the boss of the school you can not follow me." Zhong Ying, a pair of nodded and said she did look like innocent girl people can not believe that people have proposed to fight her.

CHEN Tian-ming frowned and said, "Xiaoying you up to you again so I got angry."

"Hey, brother of Chung Ying Ying Chung Do not criticize, OK?" Chiang Tung Chung Ying in front of a very obedient not look the same in the face of a vicious CHEN Tian-ming did not seem to see in the eyes CHEN Tian-ming.

"How do I can not blame? First I am a teacher I am entitled to possession of the second clock Ying." CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East this way was also angered.abnirs blogspot blog

"The teacher, so what? I'm not afraid teachers," said Jiang East disapprovingly. He wind was the wind to the rain the rain will not put CHEN Tian-ming that teachers see in the eyes. This article belongs to original author users upload cloth

CHEN Tian-ming said, "I do not care you afraid of me not care that you" finished CHEN Tian-ming went to the other side. Zhong Ying, he saw a smile secretly in the next minute he did not want to be acting as a proxy Ying. Martial arts such as Chiang Chung Ying Tung is simply not bully her.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The annual college entrance examination

No sorching burning sun, but hot air panic. Mom's field in our sister sa's urging, have to the west to send a only rarely. That was a mother how also give not to drop. In her words in rural don't kind of a field, said don't in the past, nor to, the more not used to it. I'm can understand that feeling. So each time to go home, always do what I can do more for them.
Harvest the rape and beans, not particularly complex farm work. Although not very familiar with, but also not slow feet first. Every time the labor is an exercise of the process, is also a process of growing up. Experience working people's hard, also more understand "behold dishes, each all pain" is not easy. Enjoy the harvest of joy, also feel the happiness of labor. Especially looking at ShaShaSha to fall of rapeseed, look at the broad bean pile of ManCang ZhangGuGu between, feel the unique sense of accomplishment.
Special tired, and sat down on the candidate to rest for a while. Look, up in the sky, the clouds the bubbling streams, the idea swing it.
The annual college entrance examination. This moment will always not consciously remember the time we are, and is so hard, had that nervous. Ten years cold window study hard, to be made when the title. Such time, and Mr. A brief separation. Because to attend the university entrance exam supervision, he went to the home of forty or fifty kilometers a middle school. Eat all in there. 

Bright red skirt the dancing

Like, you ever thought for who, who actually love to open the season, and he a heart, a dance, blots out the summer colorful branches vain. Pass by the eyes, if you turned the color for the mind, you moved no secret passion, burning, you ever care about long, this YanYanDe with a red, who burned the eye, and the feeling of who lit?
You although bright red skirt the dancing, put a season of another season stunning dancing, genetic down and a irritable love to the world, shows.
The beauty of life, why that man; Love, why the eager Tuesday. A tree flower of red, open since the fall, since the colourful self-respect, is the joy of you from card with overwhelming.
Postscript: do STH over and over again-scorn, photos or can't upload, red xiu more and sentimental, hate!
Feeling, memory is more and more as before. Perhaps is really old. When time is 10000 thoughts before spring, however, think rush to calm down to, want to knock a mood of time, suddenly found that the brain blank, like suddenly broken electricity the same feeling. Really experience to the fleeting concept. However, always also record some what. For the day of the future have some memories.
 Dragon-boat festival holiday, still back to the country. At this time of the country is the least, I have been busy in the field of farmers. Always very used to this kind of change of roles. Maybe since the childhood in the field because of growing up. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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The growth of the woman is like a flower, bridal flowers from bursting to again to colourful last fall is down. So the women, too, from birth to the baby of childhood pure lovely to smart beautiful finally old and eventually. louis vuitton outlet 
Women's character is like a cloud, and when the sky blue and white clouds, with bright sunshine, to the earth and people hope and joy; When the sky is grey, black clouds, no sunshine, the earth may at first show again silence, scary and depressive; When pouring rain, see the sky and the clouds around, only the cold and helpless. So the women, when dress neatly, faces with red light, to smile, the bottom of joy and target, for yourself and everyone a sunlight woman nature; When depressed, WuJingDaCai, together with pressure and pain, only makes people far and near. When bedridden, facial gray, frail, input only poor and sighs of vision.
The woman is a pot of water injection, what all is what, will all give you; The woman is a cigarette in at the same time, enjoy also can bring the pain of the invisible. louis vuitton handbags
Women's temperament and lovely, sometimes fickle, and act in pettish, sometimes tender, sometimes angry, sometimes fire, sometimes cold, sometimes like frost speaking, sometimes silent, sometimes simple and clear, and sometimes dark horse. Why is this? 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In autumn wind divulges endless sorrow

Perhaps is the world is too small, and perhaps because rim. Can let me and you meet again. Just, you of the noodles have no facial expression let me again choose silence. Maybe we are all too too persistent, so, each other proud, MuBuXieShi passed by.

Noodles have no facial expression, so chilly pass by. This is I see, the summer of the most happy with pictures. xtcxhj exblog blog

Between us, across a insurmountable gap between them. Across the time, I was in tears, with his hands folded, prayed, may you all well. Make you I joys yan.
Long ancient diameter

Quiet LanDie

CanZhao in

That with a languid is lazy sunset

The scene with the wind swathes of the cherry blossoms

In the cold in the passing of time his narrative
Lonely and

Shore flower


The shed and with a FangHua of

The act of, very down

In the middle of the night magically change into boundless fireworks

West lake

Willow lamented

The curved bright moon

Don't mention the scene of the past

In autumn wind divulges endless sorrow
Fall into the earth of the vicissitudes of life abnirs blogspot blog

Flashy the dirty behind

Ultimately unable to see

Eyes dance

Small cold

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In the article the hobbled on the road of life, despite the pocket ChouChang, in the heart of degrees turn, had no a roller-coaster mood, it seems that all the memory as the forward footsteps faded away.  louis vuitton outlet 
That year, the year of the red scarf, a classroom of that year, when friends of lover, seems to have started to blur, hazy, I seemed to hear between the first from boyhood songs: "let us just once more, small ship waves sculls push away, and the sea of the beauty of the white dagoba, reflecting which was surrounded by green trees red.
It rained heavily in jingzhou today, this is my home and a half months to the first rain. Stay at the window, YanBo shake at 7, elegant rain foam bring forward a sweet savour, a local "eye very wide, xiao between the Confucian" that fly in mood arises spontaneously. louis vuitton handbags
When I was a child, do not know to who said "unlucky" boys don't harm I have been to, are not acquired last year the habit of opening an umbrella. The childhood memory, often in the wind and rain, I also go to school, school like running in the rain; Waist youdao deep scar is a summer on a home from school when suddenly it's pouring with rain, and we are a group of friends suddenly smell, I of course is scattered rain ran like anything, but he slipped in the green flag rise out of the way, the left hip, may be on learn at school (elementary school very good students) with iodine level too amateur, so he left the imprint of the memory. 

Our laughter of running on the way in class

Remember, that year, our laughter of running on the way in class.

Remember, that year, we do morning exercise movements are that ridiculous.

Remember, that year, we a few cents to the pocket money, and log on at home would not go to school. xtcxhj exblog blog

Remember, that year, our red scarf like a twist of the same palm.

Remember, that year, we want to home can secretly hide under the covers tears.

Remember, that year, our first exposure to that is called love words.

Remember, that year, we all secretly to the right girl write love letter.

Remember, that year, we looked at her like the girls blush.

Remember, that year, we all have a group called LangYou beautiful girl brothers and sisters.

Remember, that year, I do not know you, and you don't know me.

Remember, that year, I can't describe the sensibility of the letter.

Remember, that year, I was young and frivolous.

Remember, that year, we are very simple.

Remember, that year abnirs blogspot blog

That year, maybe we will never back not to dream, grew older, mature, we all want for a living and constantly rush about, the hypocrisy of the heart, layer upon layer mask, false smile. Bring us all into all kinds of many, deck and lost some of his innocence. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Critical to shaping the character

-ChenJing shallow fly the novel QiaoXin garden "characters
The our city sound of the famous at home and abroad for Mr. Fly the ChenJing swansong writer's novel "QiaoXin garden", with exquisite brushwork, vivid literature language, kind of chaoshan slang, successfully portrayed a patriotic ChenGuLong anti-japanese hero ChenGuSheng returned overseas Chinese, thirdly, the fight for HuangWen captain, who led the members of the food and clothing problems to solve ex-serviceman, production captain ChenTianHui, disgust people's communes, keen to get recognized fixing the do-it-yourself spring chair, respectable old overseas Chinese xingyuan uncle, ShenMingDaYi "the woman" neither eye makeup, virtuous kind home wife leaves, SeYi long qing double the MingDan XiongXiaoE papa's chao-ju was having an affair, the beauty of the young woman, a modern version of the peach water sweet heart, the lotus of pan gold opportunely spit the bully the landlord hand hard alone, LaoGanJuHua puma a traitor to the spy valley, three Shan was stained the head of the Lao du a mouse, bad village head DuWenBao left route, the general representative of characters such as FengYou dries.
The Lord of the garden ChenGuLong returned overseas Chinese patriotic QiaoXin, is ChenJing fly mo chongcai described the heroes. In the past, due to the influence of the literary route left, many the hero of the novel characters often portrayed as "high, all the", some heroes was just a otherworldly god. ChenJing fly shaping heroes difference is, hero is first one of the people. ChenGuLong was born in nanyang Chinese businessmen of the house of ChenXingYuan, is a "second generation" rich. He returned home village live in the QiaoXin moon lake, do as the Romans do, with the bay harbor, and the farming life story. Because of his life, overseas than others in the QiaoXin moist, night outside and neighbors folks product time, sing the song tea. During the Anti-Japanese War, ChenGuLong attended the brother of the power of the house before the sacrifice a moon lake village, to develop the team with Japanese fought gravely, killed a Japanese for my brother, purposing, become a anti-japanese hero. In the war of liberation s, ChenGuLong to the leadership of the communist party day for team, responsible for nanshan resistance to raise QianLiang work, his wit brave, complete the task well, very popular resistance, the kuomintang are valued for team suspension of the "red county magistrate busting commie". After the founding of the different historical period, ChenGuLong resolutely resist left route. In the moon lake village back the turmoil in the club, ChenGuLong claims that distinguish between the two different conflicts, to make back many do community appealed to flows, against the practice of FengYou to crack. In the later period of cultural revolution, he ran the risk of eluded close chairman MAO, the pain ChenWenGe make the national "what a mess," to get "the brakes". Criticism movement is "emulating da-zhai on agriculture movement" damage. How to unite BSFLP overseas Chinese. He urges chairman MAO wanted to "beware of the suger coated",, "should be to walk around and see all over the world. Because ChenGuLong resist and oppose ultra-left thinking line, three imprisoned for parade, interrogates. Life experience fluctuated considerably, from county trading company manager to the county federation of returned overseas Chinese President to assistant deputy county head, then drop for the overseas, and down to a common teachers. After the reform and opening and when the overseas, county federation of returned overseas Chinese chairman.

Childlike innocence but without losing the wisdom

The winter vacation a month, most of the time travel outside, carry only a book, it is the "by Lin yu-tang biography of su dongpo. This is very classical a writer biography, it describes a Chinese ancient scholars advocate the spirit in big experience and story. The author, knowledgeable, Chinese literary talent is outstanding. He read through the retained in the world all su dongpo pen and ink, include all sorts of reading notes, seven hundred first poetry, eight hundred letters, and later generations about private letters su's record and reviewed. With his large national studies accomplishment and deep to su dongpo virtues and understanding, through one thousand, traveling to the time and space to the spirit of the world, and su dongpo the "earth can have two difficult not without the" great characters of mind dialogue. And so the book open, fall the posture, it is faithful to the birth of the historical materials of the seriousness YuChuanJi, and often can DianRan clever pen, with its becomes an interest, let the reader along the footprint of the history of the changeable for su dongpo poor life, feeling his history of a respect personality charm. The English book for the formerly known as Genius ", if Gay sought literal translation come over, which means "joy of Genius. This is also I have read this book YanJuan but think after get the most impressed.
He is a mystical wonder, has excellent mental talents, talent rich natural talent, the water as the way, which is very broad, figures and, since the solemn pure old prose, easy to MiaoMan skit, each become its wonderful omnipotent. All have read some of the people who have looked, not be, before and after the "ode of chibi CiZhang colorful life and mind tracks? Don't be answered "wine", "great river east to go to" the heroic fascinated by imposing manner? Don't be "XiaoXuan window dressing,", "this is only the fallen petal know" deep feeling, moved by the pathos? From his poem encouraged, and we feel the vibration of the string of human emotions, the emotions of a human good evening. At the same time, su dongpo in many other fields also have a proud builds. His calligraphy a change since the tang dynasty "and the ink was" rules, and put forward the "meaning" claim, they become a generation of calligraphy everyone; He is in China painting rushes out "the literati paintings" such unique new branches; He find their own herbs, also was the medical authority; He was digging officer river courses and lakes, benefit the party with the embankment people...... The genius is not "earth can have no difficult not 2"?
Read the biography of su dongpo, not only for his day ZongWenCai marvel, more admire is he happy and free attitude of life. For better or worse, he can contented; Sorrow and misery came down, he always accept. His life is a rugged and magnificent life's journey. He has been in political vortex center, but GuangFengJiYue, high and beyond YuGouGou they political plot above all; All his life he and dark counterparts, but to pure ao however of feelings, optimistic, cheerful, and become a bunch of times of light. "WuTaiShi prison", make him almost his life. During his huanzhou, miserable life in the lonely, the feeling of nature in, he gradually searches and detachment life's suffering, and write illumination century immortality chapter. He HuaJiaZhiNian, was exiled to at that time, unexplored world-hainan island, and li hunter all fishermen, over the most difficult, no rice cooking, he still laugh, and sunshine company. A Anxiety in the career of his performance is calm, wise and farsighted, mature strong personality; He is still looking for trouble life fun, reveal a brilliant personality charm. His work, become Chinese literati in general code (yu qiuyu language), he has become many Chinese mind the most like ancient scholars. We can say so, compared with li bai, he less perverse madness, much of the flexible and trial of a firm; TaoQian, less than his escape, the many positive negative wto, JiShui shed the courage; Du fu, less than his grief, and more optimistic returned and broad-minded. He said: "we can accompany the jade emperor, with low can field hospital a beggar. Eyes see a world without a bad people." Buddhism to fix for the deep su dongpo is penetrated the heaven and earth, all of the mystery of his life and he demonstrates to the world in the harmony between man and nature of ideal. Facing all of the world's suffering, fear, righteously, like the moon as the wind spent her life to the Chinese people left inexhaustible precious spiritual wealth.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Between pure heart the memory of mark

Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. The first day wear red scarf, vaguely aware XiaoShanBao small red chamber will become my second home. The first floor hall miniascape, delicate and exquisite, sprouting shoots, hopes for the future vision of infinite I.
Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. A grade, and a glimpse of naughty eggs, was innocent playmates in class, had just common plate sitting on the playground sunbathing, have to the playground together around the small flower bed, take off a wild flowers, grass a few tangled as each other.
Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. Second grade, overlooking a grade of "the little DouDing", with only a curious mind, "the little DouDing" shake sway sway a school building, our little shape can be measured by the total, with a slightly in the same year, the same immature, the same naive.
Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. Grade three, four grade, height, perhaps this is the surge began to grow the imprinting, the heart also slightly some slight change, began to understand the Thanksgiving, know treasure, but also is only a faint, fragile, have a bit inadvertent will burst.
Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. Grade five of the military training, the first time appreciate the collective life, themselves set of bedding bag JiongXiang, the evening of separate tea party laughter, in the bedding steal to eat between meals of breathtaking course, still remember, teacher and we talk about graduation, the heart first started to a sad, is still deep-rooted.
Return to mou, and with a recall in heart. Just the end of life, organize and interesting, the military will grade six are a whole, shrew "the demonstration", the former "chauvinists" also are panicked, flee ignominiously, a few friends to "joy" from this lives. The full of humour and wit of the past will become eternal deep engraved.
Experience the time's dust, the memory of pure in heart still imprint.
Return to mou, and with a recall in!!!

Want the dignity of what is sensible

So to consult one of the wise. A wise man didn't answer his question, but let him do three things: the first thing is to let he stripped off to the market to go for a ride. Young after listen to surprise. The second thing is to let him go to flatter a rich man, and let the rich man rewarded him some money, young after listen to of disbelief. The third thing is if young uncle when the big officer, let the young everywhere to show off, some people will look favourably upon him, young after listen to go, twist.
Everyone has his own self-esteem, self-respect sometimes this is good, but sometimes can do some let we regret and wrong decision, as if to leave it.
Leave Co., more than a year since I never think that it was my fault. Because I don't want me there is so good, performance leadership also so agree with, and I also always performance points than colleagues high, even before I left two months to just gave me a salary, but the company to relegation to the man I was. I can not accept, I also can't stand self-respect, so I chose to leave the resolutely.
I don't understand why the person would be me, do not understand all the leadership to do so. Why Although already changed I still don't understand, but I have is insufficient itself only. Remember:
Would have heard that because the economic crisis will be fired or demoted the part, but these personnel staff list but not including me, in that I received a notice before no one heard me. But things that happened, let I at a loss. Remember that is on December 1,, a flat level colleagues find I said a little things I'd like to talk with me (at that time I had a feeling), I went in, and he said to me that the leadership let I to he there be a leader, remember at that time I didn't say to him, just say: "good, no problem!" Actually I have been, and suddenly no response to come over, a bit does not accept it, didn't know what to do it. The next first called to tell her husband, he said to me how to deal with, he respect me. I cry, told him that I can not accept why will be? And I worked there for four years, a year a staff, how hard was leading the promotion, and in doing basic management two years I have children, as I please during maternity leave, leading to praise also let husband wantonly I (we are in the same company different department) to study, and I gave me a competent title. Was at home after having received a notice, I still think others kidding me? But in the postpartum to work after more than a year, is the man to relegation I!!!!! Also remember that I have with my husband said, if children before if this happened, and I can accept but not now!!!!!
I find the manager, answer and tell him I can not accept company arranged like this, I want to leave. The manager in order to keep me, in meeting the opposite in about two hours, middle kept telling me to stay, and said that speak I advantages and disadvantages, also told me he some of his own experience, said he also with I had the same experience, life can't all plain sailing. So I need now is "humiliation", also told me that if I can not accept this fact, he can give me a few months or longer holiday, let I can adjust good time to go to work in the company, and then he will give I arrange a suitable job. Anyway, when he was the said, I just 1 vigorously tears. What he said something I have don't remember much. But pride, at that time I blink there can listen to those words!!!!! Gets a little stubborn and bore tip of I, then probably ten cows also pull back!

Friday, June 10, 2011

One day a kind of watermelon

The bigger the more long. The pig WangLiu perspiration also than a day for a day, the more it can't let his elaborate cultivation watermelon have been wasted. The harvest season finally looking forward to came to the king, pig relish took a car watermelon to the city sells. louis vuitton monogram french wallet rouge fauviste
The city scenes that king, see a pig on both sides of streets have filled up with a mountain of watermelon. Goats, LaoHuangNiu, such as hair donkey watermelon is buzz peddled to farmers.
To take the watermelon sell go out, must be another matter.
The king had a brainwave pig, which seek to a pig eight quit to eat watermelon to the picture on the stand, stand up immediately lively.
"I want this watermelon." A child tell mom.
"Good." Mother to the child: "but you can't learn pig eight quit to eat watermelon oh."
"Why?" The boy asked.
"Because pig eight quit of others, not just themselves, the master and the watermelon also eat all't of senior younger brother......." Mother education child.
"That I learn who?" The boy asked.
"Learn jung, let pears." Mother a watermelon buy side speak jung, let the story of pears.
"In fact don't blame pig eight quit to eat all the watermelon, blame watermelon is so good." Pigs, talking and cut the king a watermelon, and put the watermelon into small pieces to the crowd gathered around, said: "if anyone who ate the this watermelon, certainly can't help but to eat more, that's because my watermelon and pig eight quit to eat watermelon that same, sweet delicious."
Sure enough, had little piece of watermelon people snapping up the king of pig watermelon.
Watermelon quickly sold out, pig of comparatively is not tasted watermelon? It chose two watermelon, let his son take home. Naughty pig
Then the king, pigs sold out all the watermelon.
Pig drive to the king at home, it also want to get out of his own hands the watermelon taste. But back to home a look, leaving only the watermelon.
"I let you came back with watermelon?" The pig and the king of the Internet is naughty pig.
"Had I want to give you a watermelon, but very delicious, so I can't help but took two eat watermelon......." Naughty pig answer. louis vuitton monogram 4 key holder rouge fauviste
"You......" Pig wang gang to angry, suddenly feel this sentence some familiar to me.
Want to in a short while, the pig WangZiYan to himself: "next time I have to kind of pear."

After graduating miniature

Began to find suitable for his professional work. It first to woodcarving factory job, woodcarving factory bear to see someone to cover, the manager is very happy. It is short of a cleaning his office cleaner. Deer to it to see their own bud degree, bear the manager to disagree, it tells the deer buds from small start first. On the job, deer bud can only stay at a respectful distance from sb. Deer buds and travelled to seal company to job, but the result let it lose hope. louis vuitton softsided keepall with shoulder strap
However, a phenomenon has aroused the attention of the shoot deer. The stamp company personnel manager waiting for, deer bud and a staff that is incredibly gossip, and agricultural college graduate employees. Thus the deer bud see a reality, is now, and nonhuman career choice career choice.
After hard knocks, deer after bud finally lost, it decided to running your own business company.
Small little risk investment profit of big successful industry became the first choice of target, shoot deer quickly into its eyes.
Deer bud began to produce the disposable chopsticks, lush trees in the forest is the most cheap raw materials. In the packing bag of chopsticks, and the deer bud hit "to reduce the spread of germs and effort" ads. It is ready to each forest hotel sales of disposable chopsticks.
Deer bud survive, it risks before to "the tiger hotpot restaurant" sell of disposable chopsticks.
"I have chopsticks, why buy you of?" The tiger think of disposable chopsticks too expensive, every day to buy new.
"The data shows, the chopsticks normally only repeated use three times, in the long run it will with the bacteria, not very sanitary." Deer fabricated bud.
"We use of but white elephant brand detergents ah." The tiger said. White elephant brand detergents are the elephants production, elephants in one hundred, the company long, is the forest animals recognized brand.
"Everything has its disadvantages. Took it in mosquito-repellent incense mosquitoes at the same time also to put out the intelligence." Deer as the tongue of the reed to bud, said: "human is more importance to the problem and they know the truth. So they close mouth catches no flies to development of disposable chopsticks. We can't let the human resources has finished and to produce the disposable chopsticks."
"This......" The tiger hesitation.
"Are you the king of the forest, first of all you should by you to promote the social development of the animal kingdom we." Shoot deer increased publicity.
"Well, let's first use." tiger hotpot restaurant The tiger think he has the responsibility and obligation to let the wheel of history toward front rolling.
"I give the first dare to eat crab tiger eighty percent off." The deer in the tiger I shoot hotpot restaurant, mentioned the venture swept the first bucket of gold.
Next, deer buds of disposable chopsticks and successfully barbecue shop in gray wolves dumpling shop, fox, the peacock vegetarian shop landed.
Quickly became popular in the forest, disposable chopsticks deer instantly into the bud explosion door.
Deer bud make track for attack, it develop forest outside of the market.
This is a wild goose migration season, deer buds take order personally to promote wild goose honk high disposable chopsticks.
"Carry a pile of chopsticks migration, this is not to find my own tired with?" Geese refused to help shoot deer consumer of disposable chopsticks.
"What time can be no, but now is very period." Deer bud said: "the bird flu know. That's extremely easy to contagious virus. In you the way human migration, are watching it. If there is a goose unfortunate is infected with the flu, it will face destruction, the wild goose honk high will be human killed. The most afraid of your human virus to them."
"Really." Geese are shaken. louis vuitton monogram canvas messenger gm beaubourg
"Our company slogan is to reduce bacteria spread and try hard." Shoot deer secured ads. Read chopsticks
Geese are buying of disposable chopsticks. Deer buds of the products are sold to grassland, desert, even amphibians are using the product. Shoot deer
In making long-term goals, shoot deer disposable chopsticks are sold to polar, the lion has issued a banned from cutting trees down command. And penalty shoot deer to plant one hundred trees.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

With the melody for inspiration

In earlier years (high school time), exactly from 2006 to 2008, I especially like to hear is the rock, folk music, beyond BanDeRui, enya... Again and again to listen, country music is my favorite, then once the ups and downs of melody and write down my heart buried deep in the sentence. louis vuitton monogram denim

Everyone has his own way of expressing, not poetry, might be novel, painting or music, anyhow, express oneself want to say, is a kind of life. As for what kind, heaven knows written.

After 2008, life and learning has changed greatly, start busy, began to silence, started to pay closer attention to themselves have not understand another world. This period of music is about to accompany me jannes, xu wei looks, lee, PiaoShu, ZhengJun... Like the real music, no way, no mannered, heartfelt story.he said pollution, independent, and utility, money. So, light listen, fine product.

And a few friends surround furnace and sit, yi road, childhood, talk about the music sounded by simple but elegant, let the heart stick closer, this is happy...... louis vuitton monogram idylle

Apricot favorite winter and spring of the

Because winter with snow in spring, because there is a a knop and her the name is same.
In a remote mountain village knop from nature, but recently. She has many partners ─ ─ summer night of frogs, fireflies, squashy leaf, small cool wind, snowflake, icy stream, white winter... But she and the tree of the best, so knop also love relationship of warm spring warms twitter and crispy. She is always dressed in clothes, jumping in flowers flowers flowers, like between one, provoked butterfly chasing a float in the sky of small plait dance look again, she is more like a butterfly, one will happily laughing butterfly.
At the age of eight, spring, she has a friend -- a neighbour boy.
Then loud knop was opening, liu home much one strange child. Listen to mom said he is grandma liu children's older daughter, because the couple got out, but let him rich industry here reading. A few days later, she found him very quiet, always silent. But the dahurian dahurian knop teach him very glad, sometimes grandma liu shout him eat, the along while still see figure, a find but finds in almond underneath. Liu said he saw a knop is silly, asked his hungry, he said he wants to stay with almond flowers... coach madison ashley op art hobo
Soon, they met. His name was very nice ─ ─ leaves, he looked one year older than her, so calling him look brother knop leaves. They go to school, to go to the river catch crabs, also touch fish together lay on the grass looked at the sky to some dark horse mind...
In march a knop favorite flying kites in the day, but now she is pulled leaves that slice of green grass, look tired of playing then both lay flat on the ground, like two little bugs. He didn't come in before the kite is knop granny liu, he came, they watched the kite from leaf born in his hand. Liu eyes not too good, activating its total to wear reading glasses, give a knop kite just paper, called the simple paste into a name, many times a fly to the sky, and they were never can fly back; Leaf look very capable, made a lot of a lot of almond flowers never seen kite, what the centipede, dragonflies, swallow, flower magpie, maple leaf... All becomes living, and fly out still can fly back, it can teach a knop more the grassy field.
Once, farming side by side lay on the grass, suddenly looked knop ask: "your among the leaves to what?" He blurt out: "I want to fly! You?" "I also want to fly!" Two young heart is in the water under the sky gives birth to like almond flowers as countless dream. Suddenly, she sat straight up said: "we're going to choke alfalfa!" Then the two men ran back inside each took a bag of alfalfa, toward the fly away. That day, she pinched quickly, not much time, small bag is filled, a look at half the small bag leaves or empty, she was busy pour out their alfalfa, packed into the bag at the leaves. Leaf hope not, she said: "I choke faster than you, with you I choke faster?" Leaf hope joy, don't know why but joy, just feel heart warm, like spring breeze. Leaves the knop in large looked follow the non-business alfalfa Noah, two little hand unexpectedly over the whole of alfalfa. At noon, with a knop behind in leaf hope back. A home, leaf hope took almost half of but knop alfalfa to. Almond flowers, leaves refused to look to say: "you gave me half, I also wanted to give you half." Liu in watching joy, finally help leaves the alfalfa gave almond flowers look. A knop and joy, also don't know why but joy.
That year, full of ripe apricot tree full of old tree knop thanks, early one a leaves are brighter threatening eye.
Liu granny's almond few tree, with a knop took looked to her home together leaves in picking apricot. Liu came also, is the mother called. That much more special, knop words at home and felt they reunion. ─ ─ remember five years old, a knop grandmother as leaves fall would never come back, she shed tears, a lot of tears drop in the stream, flow away, just the river every year in drips. ─ ─ father stands on the tree carrying bamboo pole, other delectable knocked into a full apricot lawn. Liu and mother at together, she looked at together, and leaves picked up powerfully. A tree apricot and fell into a tree apricot. Suddenly, leaves in a knop looking side screamed, a look, a snake in the grass swam towards deep. ─ ─ leaf hope ankle wrapped in layers of white gauze, almond flowers stood straight cry from home, took the full basket full baskets of apricot, say look to the leaf d. They say how can a knop silly, apricots d! But, look really haven't dropped leaves in tears, he said he wouldn't hurt. Two silly child joy, like a knop and leaf in sunshine smile... coach madison ashley signature hobo bag